Author Archives: Frozen Zuke

Sasquatch Getting a Name!

Sasquatch’s New Name

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Meeting PH March 2016!

Hey Guys I saw PH online!  Read the rest of this entry

Puffle Handler Meetup Times 2016

Puffle Party 2016!

Hey Guys the Puffle Party is here!

This party, includes all the puffles known!! Read the rest of this entry

Operation Doom!

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February Clothing Catalog 2016

Hey Guys, Club Penguin just set out the February Clothing Catalog! Now, since Club Penguin stopped putting secret items you can collect in the catalog and just putting old rare items in the back, they have added more! This would take a lot of time to go through so… I recorded a video of me scrolling though the catalog & the Furniture+Igloo Catalog too, Enjoy 🙂

ClubHerbert Update! 

Club Herbert has updated

Current Picture:

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Prehistoric Party 2016!

The Prehistoric Party is here!

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Whats coming this January! 2016

Hey guys, so Club Penguin released a crossword puzzle! What will you find?


2016 Membership Giveaway! #3

Hey everyone, I am here to announce that I will be doing a Club Penguin Membership Giveaway!!!

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